I would like to extend my thanks to you personally and the wider AMH Workable NI programme for supporting our team member over the past 12 months. I became the direct line-manager approx. 3 years ago when I became aware of her ongoing mental health issues, and the impacts these were having on her work and personal life. Within my role and experience I was only able to offer her a certain level of support and flexibility, and at times felt frustrated not being able to help on a greater scale (as I am not a mental health professional).

The AMH Workable NI Programme offered the professional mental health support which she required, enabling her to remain in her work routine whilst receiving specialist support to address her health needs. The positive impacts this has had over the past 12 months has been every evident in all aspects of her persona and behaviour towards her work and her personal life.
The person centred approach used to identify the correct support for her as an individual has undoubtedly had really positive impacts on her well-being. She speaks very positively of the programme and discusses how she is incorporating techniques into her work and personal life to help her manage / cope with specific situations which would have previously caused her stress. She has increased her working hours as a result of support through Workable NI and is completing all aspects of her role with renewed self-confidence.
From an employer point of view, I have found the format of the Workable NI Programme appropriately inclusive. Being involved in structured reviews gives the opportunity for open conversations between employee and employer, without the need for full disclosure of personal details. I feel I have also received the correct amount of information and support from AMH during the overall programme.
I would 100 percent recommend the AMH Workable NI Programme to any employer struggling to support an employee to sustain their job and their mental health. Many thanks again to AMH / SES for all your help and expert support over the past 12 months.