SES Supported Employment Solutions Quarterly Update 

SES Supported Employment Solutions Quarterly Update

August 2024

Greetings from the SES Consortium! We’re thrilled to bring you our latest quarterly update on the Workable (NI) Programme, delivered by SES Supported Employment Solutions—a collaboration of seven dedicated disability organisations across Northern Ireland. Our mission remains steadfast: providing specialist and bespoke service delivery for people in work.  

Check out the website and our social media for the latest updates and Good news stories! 

Key Highlights to July 2024

Consortium Participants – 283

New starts – 68

Progressions – 24

Would you, or someone you know benefit from Workable Support? We are currently open to new participants. Click here to make a referral into the WorkableNI SES Team 

Contact | Supported Employment Solutions (

Research and reach…

As a consortium our Planning and Promotion team, have been beavering away reviewing our current reach, and other avenues to be explored in the generation of new referrals.  

In the last few months, we’ve approached many different organisations to include the Trusts, Council Area’s, and Private Occupational Health organisations, to count but a few, to develop better understanding of the Workable NI Programme and specialisms our ‘Magnificent seven’ can offer.  We have delivered PowerPoint Presentations, shared literature / leaflets, and developed new partnerships along the way.  

We want to ensure that no-one in NI, due to their disability or health condition is excluded from the support they need for job retention.  

We ask as a planning group, that staff continue with advertising SES – Workable NI as a consortium at every available chance and thank all those for their support.  

Good News Story 

Alison is supported by Mencap on the Workable NI programme and has been working in Sainsbury’s for many years, starting there as a college placement student before moving on to becoming a paid employee. Alison says the Workable NI programme has given her confidence in work knowing that there is someone there to support her in meetings and training. Alison feels the support is also helping her to become more independent within work. Alison loves her job, especially working on the till helping customers with their big shops. One of Alison’s Sainsbury’s colleagues, Emma, commented that customers often come to her and say how great Alison is in her role! 

Alison hopes to be working at Sainsbury’s for many more years’ Well done and all the best Alison! 

And another great massive leap of a story from Mencap can be found here 

Staff Spotlight on 

Hi, I’m Amanda Boyle and I manage the Workable NI program at Orchardville. I also have 7 years’ experience as a Workable employment officer. At Orchardville we support clients with learning disabilities, autism and other neurodiverse conditions to gain the necessary skills for the workforce, to find and sustain employment and to progress within the workplace. 

The Workable NI program is an invaluable resource to clients and employers as it assists with progression in the workplace and helps to reduce the disadvantages disabled people face in employment. The program also helps create awareness of disability in the workplace and supports an inclusive society for all. 

Job vacancies within the Consortium 

Action Mental Health – Employment Support Officer Workable N.I.: 

Index ( 

Cedar vacancies

NOW Group 

NOW Group | Jobs | N.Ireland | Belfast | Ireland | Dublin 


Mencap Jobs – Careers – Vacancies – Our Values | Mencap Northern Ireland 


Careers – Orchardville 

 Want to be kept in the loop and updated each Quarter? please email [email protected] 

SES Supported Employment Solutions partnership is made up of seven disability organisations from across Northern Ireland who have come together to deliver the Workable (NI) Programme across the Region 

SES aims to offer a Supported Employment approach in the delivery of specialist programmes to assist people with disabilities and health conditions to enter and stay in employment. 

The Workable (NI) Programme is funded by the Department for Communities