James had been out of work for around seven months and was finding it difficult to get a job due to his anxiety condition, when he was referred to Work Connect.
Through the programme James received support with one-to-one job search sessions, regular email updates on the latest vacancies and assistance with and feedback on his job applications. James and his Employment Officer at Action Mental Health focused on interview preparation and went through mock interviews for some of the jobs he was applying for.
After several months on the Work Connect programme, James secured temporary employment as a Tourist Information Advisor, through a recruitment agency. This success increased his confidence and motivation to continue to apply for other jobs while undertaking the temporary position.
While on Work Connect, James was eligible to apply to the Queen’s University Inclusive Employment Scheme for a one year paid placement. He applied and was interviewed for a Clerical Officer position, which he was successful in. In the months leading to starting with Queen’s University James was able to visit the location of his new job and with his Employment Officer met some of team to discuss any questions or concerns in relation to his role.
The fact that his new employer was aware of his health condition and worked with Action Mental Health to support him was very beneficial to the settling in period for James.
Gaining employment has significantly enhanced James’ confidence and given him a sense of responsibility and position within the organisation. He is now five months into the job and has received good feedback from his line manager and has adapted well to the role and fitted readily into the team. James continues to receive support from Action Mental Health through the Workable programme.